
Throughout my life, I have been searching for a way to express myself creatively while also helping people. Sewing has allowed me to accomplish both goals.

Tailoring clothing for clients allows me to help people fix items they love so they can continue to cherish them for years to come. In today’s age, we are often led to believe that we need to buy something new rather than to fix what we have. I want to help people remember that that is not always necessary. With my help, we can fix the jeans that are too long, the shirt that has a hole, or the dress that doesn’t fit just right. Each project is different and I love a challenge.

Designing jackets and shirts from vintage blankets, quilts, and tea towels allows me to express my creative side while also creating something that has utility. The shirts may just be fun, but the jackets are where my heart is. You can see the changes in style as you look through my products. My goal is to construct comfortable, stylish utility jackets using recycled materials.

I am excited to see where this thread leads.